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Changes to rebated fuels from April 2022

Important information about changes to rebated fuels eligibility from April 2022

Access to rebated fuels is changing

From the 1st of April 2022 new legislation will come into force which is designed to help the UK reach the government’s Net Zero Carbon targets by encouraging businesses to adopt cleaner fuels.

However, this will mean that a number of UK industries will lose access to rebated fuels and could face tough sanctions if they continue to use them after the 1st of April. If your business relies on red diesel, red HVO fuel or rebated biodiesel, this page will tell you what you need to know.

Who is losing access to red diesel and other rebated fuels?

The changes will have ramifications for a number of UK businesses who will lose access to red diesel and other rebated fuels. This includes:

  • Construction, including road maintenance
  • Logistics and haulage (including refrigeration units)
  • Mining and quarrying
  • Oil and gas extraction
  • Commercial heating
  • Leisure
  • Airport and port operations
  • Manufacturing (e.g. ceramics, timber and steel)

Important information about your existing fuels

  • If your business is in any of these sectors, you must transition away from using rebated fuels before the 1st of April 2022.
  • You should retain all invoices and receipts relating to your fuels. This can help to prove that you haven’t been stockpiling rebated fuels before the deadline.
  • Non-commercial bodies and businesses that operate in industries not in the above list can continue to purchase red diesel for heating and power generation.
  • If your business has backup generators, you can continue to run down any rebated stock that was purchased before the 10th of June 2022


Download your free Fuel Rebate Information PDF

We’ve put together a free Fuel Rebate Information PDF which contains everything you need to know about the changes to rebated fuels eligibility.

Download your free copy here

Need help switching from a rebated fuel?

Nationwide Fuels can supply non-rebated forms of your fuels, such as DERV, HVO and Industrial Heating Oil.

We also offer a range of fuel services including tank cleaning and decommissioning, which clean all traces of red diesel from your tanks before switching you over to a new fuel such as HVO or DERV.

If you have a large stock of rebated fuels to dispose of, our fuel uplift service can remove your unusable rebated fuel, clean your tank if needed, and deliver a fresh supply of your new fuel.

Call us on 0330 678 0880 to find out more about our fuel services.

Who can still use rebated fuels after April 2022?

Despite a number of industries and sectors losing access to rebated fuels like red diesel, the majority of sectors will still be eligible. These include:

  • Agriculture, horticulture, forestry and fish farming – rebated fuels can still be used in agricultural and special vehicles, machines and appliances
  • Boating, marine and sailing – all types of boat can use rebated fuels in engines and any machines or appliances that are permanently fitted to the boat
  • Golf courses– can continue to use rebated fuels in vehicles, special vehicles, heating and lighting
  • Amateur sporting clubs
  • Community centres
  • Travelling fairs and circuses – can use rebated fuels to power rides and for the provision of heating in caravan accommodation
  • Rail – can continue to use rebated fuels to propel or stop vehicles on rails only
  • Non-commercial heating and electricity generation for domestic homes, places of worship, state schools, town halls and government buildings, and the NHS

Switch red diesel for cleaner fuels

These changes to rebated fuel eligibility are a great opportunity for businesses to switch to cleaner-burning and more sustainable fuels.

Nationwide Fuels supplies a range of alternative fuels designed to help businesses reduce their environmental impact – fuels like HVO and Carbon Clean Kerosene. They not only burn cleaner but can offer a range of operational benefits too, such as better cold-start properties and longer storage lifespans.

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